What are liquid mutual funds?

What are liquid mutual funds?

In the world of finance, navigating through a quantities of investment options can be daunting, especially for first timers. However liquid mutual funds stand out as a prudent option for those seeking a balance between liquidity, safety, and modest returns. 

What are Liquid Mutual Funds?

Liquid mutual funds are a category of mutual funds that aim to provide investors with a low risk avenue to park their money for the short term. The term “liquid” refers to the fund’s ability to convert your investment into cash quickly, offering a high degree of liquidity. These funds primarily invest in short term debt instruments, such as Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, and commercial papers, which come with short maturities.

Key Features of Liquid Mutual Funds

High Liquidity

High liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without significantly impacting its price. Assets with high liquidity are often highly traded and have a large number of buyers and sellers.

Liquid mutual funds offer exceptional liquidity, allowing investors to redeem their units within 24 hours, making them an ideal parking place for short-term funds.

Low Risk

Due to their investment in short-term debt instruments, liquid funds carry minimal credit risk and interest rate risk, making them one of the safest investment options among debt funds.

Modest Returns

Liquid funds typically provide returns that are slightly higher than savings accounts but lower than other debt fund categories. This makes them suitable for investors seeking a balance between safety and returns.

Stable NAV (Net Asset Value)

Unlike some other mutual fund categories, liquid funds aim to maintain a stable NAV, usually around Rs. 1 per unit. This stability is achieved by investing in securities with short tenures and minimal interest rate risk.

Tax Efficiency

Gains from liquid funds held for over three years qualify for long-term capital gains taxation, which can offer tax advantages compared to short-term gains.

Why Invest in Liquid Mutual Funds?

Emergency Fund

Liquid funds serve as an excellent repository for an emergency fund, providing easy access to funds in case of unforeseen circumstances. Establishing a robust financial safety net is crucial for managing unexpected expenses and ensuring financial stability.

Short-Term Parking

Investors with short-term surplus funds can park their money in liquid funds to earn a higher return compared to savings accounts. These funds offer the advantage of quick redemption, making them an attractive option for those seeking liquidity and modest returns in the short term.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

Liquid funds are often used as a starting point for SIPs into equity mutual funds, allowing investors to stagger their investments and mitigate risk. This systematic approach not only provides a disciplined way to invest but also harnesses the benefits of market fluctuations over time.

Corporate and Institutional Investors

Businesses often have surplus funds that they need to manage efficiently. Liquid mutual funds offer a balance between safety and returns, making them an attractive choice for corporate treasuries. Additionally, the flexibility of these funds allows corporations to swiftly deploy capital when needed for operational requirements or strategic investments.

Investors with Low-Risk Tolerance

If you’re a conservative investor who prioritizes capital preservation over aggressive returns, liquid funds align with your risk profile. These funds are known for their stability and low volatility, providing a reliable option for risk-averse investors seeking a balance between safety and modest growth.

Benefits of Investing in Liquid Mutual Funds


Liquid funds provide diversification benefits, reducing the overall risk of your investment portfolio. By investing in a variety of short-term debt instruments and money market instruments, these funds help spread risk and enhance the stability of your investment portfolio, especially in dynamic market conditions.

Professional Management

Liquid funds are managed by experienced fund managers who make informed decisions regarding the selection of underlying debt instruments. This expertise ensures that the fund’s portfolio is actively monitored and adjusted in response to market dynamics, providing investors with a level of professional management that contributes to optimal performance and risk mitigation.

Tax Efficiency

Liquid funds are relatively tax-efficient, with gains from redemptions held after one year being taxed at a lower rate. This favorable tax treatment enhances the after-tax returns for investors, making liquid funds an attractive option for those seeking to optimize their tax liabilities while maintaining liquidity and stability in their investment portfolio.

How to Invest in Liquid Mutual Funds?

Liquid funds can be easily invested in through various channels, including:

Directly through AMCs (Asset Management Companies)

You can open an account with an AMC and invest directly in liquid funds. Additionally, many online platforms and financial institutions provide a user-friendly interface, allowing investors to seamlessly access and manage their liquid fund investments, further enhancing the convenience of the investment process.

Mutual Fund Platforms

Online platforms like Groww, Zerodha, and Paytm Money offer convenient access to a wide range of liquid funds. These platforms not only simplify the investment process but also provide investors with valuable tools and information to make informed decisions about selecting the most suitable liquid funds based on their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Financial Advisors

Seek guidance from a financial advisor to choose the most suitable liquid funds based on your risk profile and investment goals. A professional advisor can provide personalized insights, helping you navigate the diverse landscape of liquid funds and tailor your investment strategy to align with your specific financial needs.


Liquid mutual funds offer a unique combination of liquidity, safety, and modest returns, making them a valuable addition to any investor’s portfolio. Whether you’re building an emergency fund, parking short-term funds, or starting an SIP, liquid funds provide a versatile and prudent investment option.

However, it’s crucial to remember that while liquid funds provide a reliable avenue for short-term parking of funds, they might not be the best choice for long-term wealth creation. As with any investment decision, it’s essential to assess your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon before diving into the world of liquid mutual funds.

In the ever-changing currents of the financial market, liquid funds serve as a steady stream, allowing investors to navigate the waters of uncertainty with ease. So, if you’re looking to make your money flow smoothly, consider the simplicity and liquidity that liquid mutual funds bring to the table.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are Liquid Mutual Funds?

Liquid Mutual Funds are a category of mutual funds that primarily invest in short-term debt instruments with a focus on providing liquidity to investors. These funds are designed for short-term parking of funds and aim to offer a stable return with low risk.

Q2. Are liquid funds a good option for beginners?

Yes, liquid funds are a good option for beginners, as they are relatively low-risk and easy to understand. They can also be a good way to get started with investing in mutual funds.

Q3. Can I Systematically Withdraw from Liquid Funds?

Yes, investors can set up a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) in liquid funds. SWP allows investors to receive a fixed amount or a specific percentage of their investment at regular intervals. It can be useful for those looking to create a regular income stream from their investments.

Q4. What are the fees associated with liquid funds?

Liquid funds typically have an expense ratio of 0.5% to 1.5%. This is a fee that is charged by the AMC to manage the fund.

Q5. Can I use liquid funds for my emergency fund?

Yes, liquid funds are an excellent choice for an emergency fund, as they provide easy access to your funds in case of an unexpected event.