What is NFO in Mutual Funds

What is NFO in Mutual Funds

For individuals looking to invest in the dynamic world of mutual funds, the term “NFO” might sound like a financial jargon. However, understanding what a New Fund Offer (NFO) entails is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of NFO in mutual funds, exploring their meaning, features, and considerations for potential investors.

What is an NFO?

A new mutual fund scheme’s initial public offering is known as a New Fund Offer, or NFO. It is the process by which a mutual fund company raises capital from investors to create a new fund. During this period, investors can buy units of the mutual fund at the offer price, usually set at INR 10 per unit.

Once the NFO period ends, the scheme is closed for subscription, and it reopens for fresh purchases and redemptions at the prevailing Net Asset Value (NAV) like any other mutual fund scheme.

Key Benefits of NFO

1. Fresh Investment Opportunities:

NFOs provide investors with an opportunity to invest in a new mutual fund scheme right from its inception. This allows investors to get in at the ground level, potentially benefiting from any subsequent market gains.

2. Fixed Offer Period:

NFOs have a fixed offer period during which investors can subscribe to the fund. Once the offer period closes, investors can no longer subscribe to the NFO at the initial offer price. However, the fund continues to exist, and investors can still buy and sell units on the stock exchange like any other mutual fund.

Pricing at NAV:

Unlike stocks, where the price is determined by market demand and supply, the NFO units are priced at Net Asset Value (NAV). NAV is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund’s assets by the number of units outstanding.

3. Unique Investment Themes:

NFOs often come with unique investment themes or strategies. Fund managers may launch NFOs with a specific focus, such as a particular sector, market cap, or investment style. This diversity allows investors to tailor their portfolios according to their investment goals and risk tolerance.

4. Low Initial Asset Base:

Since NFO are in their initial phase, the asset base is typically lower often set at Rs 10 per unit compared to established funds. This can be advantageous for investors as the fund manager can effectively deploy capital in the market without any constraints posed by a large asset base.

Considerations for Investors

1. Risk Factors:

While NFOs present an exciting opportunity, investors must be aware of the associated risks. Since the fund is new, there is limited historical data available, making it challenging to assess the fund’s performance and volatility accurately.

2. Fund Manager’s Track Record:

Before investing in an NFO, investors should research the fund manager’s track record and experience. A seasoned fund manager with a history of successful fund management is likely to instill more confidence in investors.

3. Investment Objective:

Understanding the investment objective and strategy of the NFO is crucial. Investors should align the fund’s objectives with their own financial goals and risk tolerance to ensure compatibility.

4. Expense Ratio:

Investors should be mindful of the expense ratio, which represents the annual cost of managing the mutual fund. While NFOs might have a lower expense ratio initially, it can change over time as the fund grows, impacting overall returns.

5. Exit Load and Liquidity:

Investors should be aware of any exit load applicable during the NFO period or afterward. Additionally, liquidity is essential, and investors should consider the ease of buying and selling units of the fund, especially in the secondary market.

How to invest in a New Fund Offer?

Investing in a New Fund Offer (NFO) involves few steps. First, research the NFO by reviewing its offer document and evaluating the asset management company’s reputation and past performance.

Open a mutual fund account if you don’t have one, and complete the KYC process. Apply for the NFO online through the AMC’s website or a third-party platform, or offline by visiting the AMC’s branch.

Decide on the investment amount, ensuring it meets the minimum required, and make the payment. Submit the application and receive an acknowledgment. Once the subscription period ends, monitor the fund’s performance regularly.


In conclusion, New Fund Offers in mutual funds can be a valuable addition to an investor’s portfolio, providing opportunities for diversification and potential returns. However, it is crucial to approach NFOs with careful consideration of the associated risks and factors that can influence the fund’s performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q-1: How is the offer price of NFO units determined?

The offer price of NFO units is typically set at INR 10 per unit. This fixed price allows investors to subscribe to the NFO at a standardized rate during the offer period.

Q-2: Are NFOs riskier than established mutual funds?

NFOs can be perceived as riskier because of the limited historical data available. Investors should carefully assess the fund manager’s track record, investment strategy, and associated risks before investing.

Q-3: Do NFOs always outperform existing mutual funds?

There is no guarantee that NFOs will outperform existing funds. The performance of a mutual fund, whether new or established, depends on various factors, such as market conditions, fund management, and the investment strategy.

Q-4: Is it advisable to invest in multiple NFOs for diversification?

Diversification is a key principle of investing, but it’s essential to ensure that each NFO aligns with your overall investment strategy. Investing in multiple NFOs without proper consideration may lead to over-concentration and increased risk.